Dinner for Dragons – The recipes

A grande richiesta, we publish the recipes for two courses submitted to the funding for the evening Dinner Dragons.

Vellutata di Ceci

Per preparare la vellutata di ceci perfetta, ricordati la sera prima di mettere in ammollo i ceci (100/150gr per persona) in abbondante acqua fredda.

Il giorno seguente, scola e lessa i ceci in nuova acqua, inizialmente fredda, con delle foglie di alloro (considera una foglia ogni due persone circa) e uno spicchio d’aglio (ogni sei persone) per due ore, finché non si saranno ammorbiditi.

Chop an onion and brown together with the bacon into cubes (a handful per person) with a little oil in a saucepan.

Add the drained chickpeas and flavor with rosemary, sale e pepe. Cover everything with the broth and cook for thirty minutes.

After, blend the chickpeas with cooking liquid, resulting in a velvety cream. Serve with toasted croutons.


pastry dough for cookies shaped key

ingredients: 80 gr icing sugar, 130 gr soft butter, 1 whole egg and egg yolk, 300 g flour 00, grated lemon rind, 1 a teaspoon baking powder.

Impasta tutti gli ingredienti e metti a riposare in pellicola per alimenti in frigo per trenta minuti.

then stretch out the dough so that the final height of both 7/8 mm. With a mold shaped key for biscuits, cut out many small keys. Put them in the oven at 180 degrees. As soon as the surface is golden, cookies shaped key are ready.