Association Essem


The bank details of AfricaGriot for those who want to make donations to support the project Essem are the following: They were – IT67R0623038105000040661742

0001I, Association for Employment, the Safety and Health of Mother and Child, has been created by a group of women Dogon Mopti, Mali's second largest city and port at the confluence of the Niger and Bani rivers, form of self-help group among its members during the ceremonies of baptism, weddings, etc..
From 1997, by the will of its members, was transformed in association with the name Essem. Today the association is mainly concerned migrant girls, Girls between the ages of 10 e i 15 years who have left their villages to come and work in the city as domestic. For the most part illiterate, sun and therefore easy targets for exploitation, Essem arranges for them a series of free activities, from free courses in literacy, to raise awareness of the problems they might encounter in the city (MST – Sexually Transmitted Diseases, AIDS, abuse).

Supports the girls when they are in trouble and is a center for advice and help for their. The association also carries craft activities.
Essem is directed by a board of directors led by a President, Assa Kansaye. The General Assembly meets once a year and shall renew the Executive Committee. The members of the Committee shall meet once a month to deal with issues regarding the association (progress of ongoing projects, repayment of loans, monthly contributions, relationships with partners).

The literacy classes were held in language Bambara (The most widespread indigenous language in Mali) in 5 centers in various districts of the city of Mopti.
The girls, in fact, Dogon villages are found along the cliff Bandiagara distant on average a hundred kilometers from the city. The girls arrive in Mopti Dogon knowing only the dialect spoken in their village of origin (there are 55 dialetti dogon, differenti al punto tale che gli abitanti di due villaggi vicini possono non capirsi tra loro).
Mopti rappresenta per loro, che non si sono mai allontanate dal loro villaggio, la civiltà e la possibilità di costruirsi un futuro migliore, working and learning Bambara, parlato a Mopti e lingua indigena più diffusa in Mali.
I corsi di alfabetizzazione pertanto sono svolti in lingua bambara in 5 centri nei vari quartieri della città. I centri svolgono attività nel periodo invernale e primaverile (dicembre-maggio). Negli altri mesi, le alunne tornano in genere nei loro villaggi d’origine per aiutare la famiglia nei lavori nei campi.

Ciascun centro ha iscritte in media 25 ragazze following courses, la sera dalle 20,00 alle 22,00 per tre centri e dalle 14,00 alle 16,00 per i due centri più in periferia. Ogni centro costituisce un importante punto di riferimento per le ragazze e anche un’occasione per conoscersi e fare amicizia tra loro.
Il programma riguarda: imparare a leggere e scrivere, nozioni di aritmetica e la sensibilizzazione ai temi delle MST, AIDS and children's rights.

Il budget for literacy classes amounts to about € 2.000,00, pari a € 400,00 for each center, and includes all the necessary material (Books, notebooks, pens, pencils, etc..) addition to their salary for teachers.
Given the increasing number of girls who are turning to the association, l 'target is that of open two other centers to allow other 50 them to benefit from the activities of the association.

Support for filles migrantes
The main problems faced by girls partial payment or non-payment of their wages e imistreatment by their employers.
The women of the association control because employers had to pay for the girls. For more serious situations, may appeal to the police that has already incurred in the milder cases.

Crafts and respect for the environment
Members of the association recovered plastic bags invading Mopti, disinfect them, cut them and use the raw material thus obtained cucendola and thus creating Bors and portamonete.
Le donne gods recycle the corks of bottles of soft drinks and realize with these bags for shopping.
The products thus obtained are put on sale at a hotel in Mopti.
A new project has been launched recently: the production of soap. Women Essem have realized that hotels in Mopti buy the soap for the rooms of their guests in Bamako (capital of Mali) e in Burkina Faso.
They then started the business of production of soap made from shea butter in order to propose to the hotels of small bars of soap contained in bags made of pagnes malienes, tipici tessuti del Mali da offrire ai turisti ospiti. Per il momento servono un albergo, ma si ripropongono di allargare le vendite quando la produzione si sarà stabilizzata in quantità e qualità.

Come contribuire a finanziare Essem
Who wants to contribute to AfricaGriot financial literacy courses I'd give organizzati, it can make contact with a representative of the, which illustrate in detail the project.
The payment can be made:

The payment can be made:

  • directly to the representative who will issue a receipt of payment;
  • by Bonifica banking:
    the bank are: AfricaGriot – IBAN -IT67R0623038105000040661742.
    Causal: donation Essem.
    Remember to bring all your data and, tell us your contact information via email or phone and we will keep you informed of the support, grazie al tuo contributo, riusciremo a dare a Essem.

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