Wedding registries

For download the brochure on the project Bomboniere per un Mondo Solidale in formato pdf: bomboniere_volantino
The order of Suore Apostole del Sacro Cuore has been present for about twenty-five in Burkina Faso and thanks to the work of Sister Esther Carolina De Falco who have been joined over the years fifteen nuns Burkina Faso, gestisce adesso tre comunità religiose nei villaggi di Nanoro, Boussé e nella capitale Ouagadougou, dove porta avanti tutta una serie di attività a favore della popolazione locale, in particolare donne e bambini.
A Boussé, villaggio a circa 50 km from Ouagadougou, Sisters employ about 30 women helping in the realization with the technique of Fabric Stain, tablecloths, stopped, scarf, bags in bright colors. Activities that allows women to achieve a minimum of economic independence and help support the family during the periods in which the drought and other adverse weather conditions, undermined the agricultural production, sending hunger, in the true sense of the term, families.
Not only: the proceeds of the sales of Tinted fabric that remains once paid women, is used by the mission to social purposes.Il CREN
Among these purposes, must be reported to the Bousse clinic for malnourished children (in francese: Believe – Center for Recovery and Nutritional Education) run by the mission, with two outpatient visits for, 3 bedrooms 6 Read, toilets and showers with water recycling system for watering the garden cared for by mothers of children in care, training room and food education space cucina.I costs for the maintenance of the structure are very high. Those of particular importance for the purchase of powdered milk for feeding infants and malnourished children. In fact, being in turn undernourished mothers, many times they do not have their milk.
The cost of a jar of 450 grams of milk for infants is 4000 CFCA (about 6,10 euro). In order to properly feed a newborn baby will need a jar settimana.Un unsustainable cost for a family in a village inhabitant.
Il Milk is for all purposes a luxury item in a country where the average income per capita is calculated by UNDP (United Nations Development Program) in 2,60 dollars a day (with large differences between cities and villages) and the average rate of literacy among the adult population is just over 20% and for women even lower (data AFRISTAT, Economic and Statistical Observatory of Sub-Saharan Africa). The consequence is that many moms having no economic possibilities, will buy less than necessary, dilute in water to make it last longer, non fornendo così un corretto apporto nutritivo al bambino.Per evitare tutto questo, CREN provides the necessary milk to children in care, taking over virtually in toto costs for its purchase.
Mothers who bring their children to horseradish, is in fact required a symbolic contribution of 50 CFCA (0,08 euro) and only in cases where the mother can afford it, otherwise the child is taken care of completely free.
The monthly costs for the CREN for the purchase of milk (e riso per l’alimentazione delle mamme e medicine per curare i bambini) possono arrivare così a 400.000 CFCA (610 euro circa).BOMBONIERE SOLIDALI

AfricaGriot, che già collabora con le missioni delle Suore Apostole del Sacro Cuore con il progetto di Sostegno a Distanza, per aiutare la missione di Boussé a sostenere le spese del CREN, proposed sacchetti per bomboniera in tissu teinté realizzati presso la missione.
In tal modo chi li acquista fornisce direttamente un aiuto alle donne che li realizzano e contribuisce all’acquisto del latte per il dispensario di Boussé.

The proposta

BAG FOR BOMBONIERA: cotton bag (measures: cm.10×13 about), various colors and patterns, closed with cotton thread. Accompanied by a small parchment Information.
To complete the wedding favors are also available in packs of sugared almonds and chocolate fair trade project.

It may appear seemingly small action.
In realtà, choosing bags for wedding favors, We provide practical help and directed to mothers and children living in difficult situations and contribute, with our action, to a more united world.

For more detailed information:
download the flyer, clicking on the following link: bomboniere_volantino
contact us ai recapiti: 335 470762 –

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