06/08/2014 – SAND, Thomas Sankara

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Wednesday 1 October 2014 andrà in scena la first of the play SAND

at the House of the People of Settignano (Florence) alle 21,15.

Sand arises from the non-profit organization with proven collaboration AfricaGriot Behind the Scenes Theatre and tells a hidden story, almost obscured by the rush of our days and forgotten by the media and by the comments of the news.

locandina SabbiaA history of the already distant 80s, that of Thomas Sankara, first president of Burkina Faso.

The show is an imaginary dialogue between the author and Sankara, a dialogue that unfolds over the life of the young president in a time and place unknown but which are the words of the man who challenged the powers of the world.

Sand speaks of Sankara, but not only; biography is a certain, but also tells the ideas, hopes, and the pride of a man who has crossed many borders: Geography, time but also the inequality among the many peoples that inhabit the Earth.

So the show that is presented is not a show "African", in the most concise and simplistic term, but as it is a universal man, whose history has gone well beyond the years of his presidency.

The proceeds of the evening will be used to finance cooperation projects of AfricaGriot non-profit organization in Burkina Faso and Mali.

For information and reservations: info@africagriot.org – 339 43 290 61