14/06/2014 Amadou & Mariam in concerto a Fiesole

Amadou & Mariam in concerto

giovedì 26 Giugno 2014 ore 21,00, Teatro Romano di Fiesole (FI)

Conosciuti come la coppia cieca del Mali, Amadou Bagayoko e Mariam Doumbia, marito e moglie da 30 anni e affiatato sodalizio musicale, arrivano a Firenze.

Una carriera prolifica, prima in Africa Occidentale e poi in tutto il mondo. Etichettati come world music, c’è chi li definisce esponenti dell’african blues, uno stile basato su contaminazioni tra musiche tradizionali maliane, chitarre rock e strumenti e ritmi provenienti da tradizioni musicali sparse per il mondo.

Tra le loro collaborazioni più famose in Italia, quella con Manu Chao per il brano Dimanche a Bamako e con Jovanotti for La bella vita.





The site is currently undergoing redesign, until the renovation is complete, you can continue to visit the old version of: www.africagriot.it

AfricaGriot is a voluntary association based in Florence. Active in international cooperation with particular interest to the field of education, carries out projects in West Africa by supporting social initiatives promoted by local groups and organizations in Mali and Burkina Faso. The spirit that animates us in carrying out our activities, we like to synthesize it with a small tale:

During a fire in the forest, while all the animals fled, a hummingbird flew in the opposite direction with a drop of water in its beak. “What do you think you're doing!” asked the lion. “I'm going to put out the fire!” said the little bird. “With a GOCCIA Acqua?” said the lion with a sneer of derision. And the hummingbirds, continuing the flight, answered:
“I do my part!”